Learning math online is better than learning it in person
Learning math online is amazing
"Is virtual learning as good as in-person learning???" is the current question that parents are asking themselves and others. When it comes to tutoring, parents have the same concerns. I've been doing a lot of online tutoring lately, and here's what I've noticed:
1. Older pupils appear to benefit more from online tutoring than younger students. Now, I believe that some of this has to do with maturity, and part of it has to do with desire and comfort dealing with technology. Some middle school students have been quite enthusiastic about online learning, while others in high school have been less enthusiastic. You may only need to try a few sessions to see how your student reacts.
2. The classroom teacher's and the class's expectations. At the end of last year, at the start of the pandemic, schools and teachers set the bar extremely low, placing little emphasis on comprehension and placing little importance on grades. That, I believe, was part of the reason why students didn't think it was essential enough to put up the effort required. This school year, it doesn't sound like that will be the case, so I'm hoping children will be more prepared to take virtual learning and online tutoring more seriously.
3. The tutor's ability to bring the online learning "classroom" to life. This means that some tutors may lack the essential equipment, technology, and know-how to provide successful online tutoring. This is where I've been focusing my efforts recently in order to help students adjust to online learning. From writing tablets to document cameras to capable online video conferencing software to having the actual textbooks that students are using in many cases, there are a variety of options available.
As a teacher you can bring up reasources from the web quickly, have students work on problems and most importantly address the gaps in prior knowledge quickly and easily.
If you are interested in tutoring math for starters you can check out this Calgary Tutor service.
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